The U.S. securities markets are dynamic, complex, and energized by a diverse community of market participants that include securities brokerages, investment banks, clearing firms, alternative trading systems, proprietary trading firms, securities exchanges, asset managers, transfer agents, municipal advisors, and issuers. McIntyre & Lemon draws on more than 25 years of securities regulatory expertise to assist this diverse community in navigating the complexities of the nation’s securities regulations and in responding to the distinct regulatory mandates of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), separate state securities commissioners, and various self-regulatory organizations (SROs), such as, among others, the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), the New York Stock Exchange, and the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (MSRB).
We draw on more than 25 years of experience advising financial planners, private equity advisers, real estate equity advisers, and alternative asset managers on compliance matters under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 and state investment adviser laws.
Commercial banks and insurance companies often participate in the securities markets through affiliated broker-dealers and asset managers or by partnering with third-party broker-dealers and investment advisers. We counsel banks and insurance companies on a broad range of their securities activities, such as:
Small issuers are often underrepresented in their ability to raise capital to finance their business. Our expertise focuses on smaller issuers and extends to private offerings, crowd-funded transactions in compliance with regulations under the JOBS Act, and reliance on a safe harbor enabling associated persons of issuers to engage in active securities sales outside of the federal broker-dealer regulatory regime.
With expertise gained in representing industrial operating companies, research and development companies, or finance subsidiaries, we are well positioned to assist clients with managing their balance sheets to avoid investment company status and the adverse effects of the public filing requirements and voidability of contracts that would apply to inadvertent investment companies.
For more information on how we can help you navigate the intersection of Wall Street and main street, contact us.