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SEC Exceeded Its Statutory Authority: Dealer Rules Vacated

Yesterday, the Gensler Commission lost another round with the private funds sector over the limits of its statutory authority . In this round, the District Court for the Northern District of Texas (Fort Worth Division) vacated and set aside two dealer rules, Rule 3a5-4 and Rule 3a44-2 under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (“Exchange Act”). ...

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Fifth Circuit Vacates SEC Private Fund Adviser Rules

Yesterday, the private fund industry was victorious in its challenge to a package of private-fund adviser rules adopted in August 2023 by the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC” or “Commission”) [see National Association of Private Fund Managers et. al vs. SEC (No. 23-60471) (Fifth Cir. June 5, 2024)]. The rules, grounded in the SEC’s purported authority under Title IX of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010 (“Dodd-Frank”) and under general antifraud, unsuccessfully sought to prohibit, restrict, and regulate governance and operational aspects of private investment funds. As of today, the SEC has not publicly indicated if it will appeal the decision....

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Dealer Rules Face Turbulent Start: Private Funds Industry Sues The SEC

As widely anticipated, the private funds industry sued the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) seeking the invalidation and the postponement of the compliance date of recently adopted dealer rules [National Association of Private Fund Managers v. SEC, Case No. 4:24-cv-00250 (N.D. Tex., Ft. Worth Div.) (March 18, 2024)]. The suit, filed in the business friendly Fifth Circuit, joins another suit against the SEC also seeking to vacate recently adopted private fund adviser rules. ...

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Advocating for 529 Savings Plan Legislation Supported by Clients

As a federal lobbyist, it is not every day that I have an opportunity to advocate for legislation that is supported by thousands of different companies in numerous industries. Further, it is perhaps even less likely these days to be able to work an issue that has strong bipartisan and bicameral support in Washington, DC....

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